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Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Welcome to the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) section of our ERP platform. The CRM module within our ERP system is designed to empower businesses of all sizes to effectively manage interactions with customers, streamline sales processes, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

The CRM module serves as a centralized hub for storing and accessing crucial customer data, including contact information, communication history, and preferences. By consolidating this information in one place, businesses can gain valuable insights into their customer base, enabling personalized engagement and targeted marketing efforts.


To easily access the CRM module:

  1. Navigate to the menu on the left side of the screen.
  2. Under the 'Apps' section, locate and click on 'CRM'.

Create Contacts

Tip: Quick Add
Most fields allow you to create additional details within them, simply locate the "Create New" option under any drop-down menu with the image.png icon

To add a new contact to your CRM database, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on "Create New": Click on this button to initiate the contact creation process.
  2. Enter Contact Information: In the contact creation form, you'll be prompted to enter various details. For creating a basic contact, you only need to provide the name of the contact. All other information is optional.
  3. Set Contact Type: Make sure to set the type of contact appropriately as either "Person" or "Company," depending on whether the contact represents an individual or a business entity.

Linking a Person to a Company
 If you initially created a contact as a "Person," you can later link them to a company. Simply navigate to the contact's profile and look for an option to link them to a company entity.

4. Save the Contact: Once you've entered the necessary information, click the "Save" button to save the new contact entry.

Each contact profile includes tabs at the bottom for easy navigation and access to specific information related to the contact:

  • Contact & Addresses: Add contact points, or addresses for different purposes.  
See: Different Delivery and Invoice Addresses

Adding different addresses for different purposes might be crucial to some businesses. You can add several address options to any of your contacts. 

  1. Click on the 'Add' button
  2. Select the type of contact/ address
    - Contact Address: Adds another person as a contact point 
    - Invoice Address: Adds a specific invoice address
    - Delivery Address: Adds a specific delivery address
    - Other Addresses: Adds an alternative address
    - Private Address: Adds the contact's private address
  3. Click 'Save' to save your changes 


  • Sales Tab: View and manage sales-related information for the contact, including price lists, and payment terms. It also includes inventory to associate customer locations with contacts to facilitate efficient shipping processes. Customer locations will be marked as the destination whenever a sales order and delivery item is created for delivery.
  • Accounting Tab: tracking invoices, payments, and outstanding balances for customers (Accounts Receivable) and suppliers (Accounts Payable). Additionally, manage bank accounts, including details such as bank name and account number, to facilitate financial transactions and reconciliation.
  • Purchase Tab: Manage purchase-related information, including supplier currency, payment terms, and inventory-related details such as the location.
  • Internal Notes Tab: These internal notes serve as a space for team members to record insights, observations, or any other communication related to the contact. This feature enhances collaboration and ensures that important information is captured and shared among team members. 

Contact Details

In the Contacts section, by clicking on the contact you can view detailed information about them, as well as a summary of relevant sales, purchases, invoiced amounts, or vendor bills associated with the contact, clicking on any of the summary items on the top will redirect you to the corresponding page.

This functionality provides valuable insights into your interactions and transactions with the contact, enabling informed decision-making and effective relationship management.

Contact Details: Comprehensive details entered, including their name, company affiliation, contact information, and any additional notes or custom fields relevant to your business. This detailed view allows you to review and update contact information as needed.

Messages Center: Once you open a contact's details you can see the messages center at the bottom where you and your team can leave internal notes or any progress on this contact, as well as upload images or documents.

Edit Contact: To edit click on the "Edit" button to toggle the editing mode, make your changes, and don't forget to click "Save" to save your changes.

Actions: The Action button allows you to archive, duplicate, or delete any contacts. 

Contact View

View Options: Customize your view of contact data by choosing between two types of views: grid or list. Click on the corresponding buttons to switch between these views.

Export Contacts: Easily export contact data for further analysis or sharing purposes. This feature extracts contact information from the CRM system in various formats, such as CSV, PDF, or Excel. You can also use this feature to copy or print your contacts

Search and Filtering

In the Contacts section, you can efficiently search for specific contacts or apply filters to refine your contact list based on various criteria. These options enable you to streamline your workflow and access the information you need quickly.

Search Functionality: The search function instantly filters the contact list, displaying results that match your search query.

Filtering Options: Apply filters to narrow the list of contacts based on specific criteria. Filter options may include contact type (individual or company), or archived contacts (include or remove). 

Archived Contacts
Contacts marked as inactive or no longer relevant for active engagement. By managing archived contacts separately, you can declutter your contact list and focus on contacts that are currently active or relevant to your business operations.


Contact Tags

These tags allow you to categorize contacts based on specific criteria or attributes. By applying tags, you can segment your contacts, making it easier to identify key leads and prioritize engagement efforts. The tags are displayed prominently within contact profiles, visually represented with different colors or labels for easy identification. 

Export Tags: This feature extracts tags from the CRM system in various formats, such as CSV, PDF, or Excel. You can also use this feature to copy or print your contacts

Search Functionality: The search function instantly filters the contact list, displaying results that match your search query.

Create a New Tag
  1. Click on "Create New": Click on this button to initiate the contact creation process.
  2. Enter Tag Details: Name, Parent (optional), and Color.
    • Tag Name Field allows you to specify the name or label for the tag, providing a clear identifier for its purpose or classification. 
    • Parent Field, although optional, enables you to associate the tag with a higher-level category or group for hierarchical organization if needed. 
    • Color Field for the tag to visually distinguish it from others, facilitating quick recognition and enhancing the overall user experience.
  3. Save: Make sure to save the newly created tag

Tip: Adding Tags
Edit contacts to add tags!

Contact Title

The contact title field includes prefixes, you can expand by adding more or selecting from existing options to customize your contact's title. 

Export Tags: This feature extracts tags from the CRM system in various formats, such as CSV, PDF, or Excel. You can also use this feature to copy or print your contacts

Search Functionality: The search function instantly filters the contact list, displaying results that match your search query.

Adding a New Contact Title
  1. Click on "Create New": Click on this button to initiate the contact creation process.
  2. Enter Tag Details: Title, and abbreviation.
  3. Save: Make sure to save the newly created tag


Adding banks to your CRM system offers numerous advantages, centralizing crucial financial information alongside customer data for streamlined transactions, efficient communication with banking partners, and enhanced relationship management.

Export Banks: This feature extracts banks from the CRM system in various formats, such as CSV, PDF, or Excel. You can also use this feature to copy or print your contacts

Search Functionality: The search function instantly filters the contact list, displaying results that match your search query.

Add a New Bank
  1. Click on "Create New": Click on this button to initiate the contact creation process.
  2. Enter Bank Details: You may enter as many details as you wish regarding your bank but we recommend the information includes: 
    • Name: For easy identification within your system.
    • Bank Identifier Code (BIC): Provide the unique Bank Identifier Code assigned to the bank for international transactions.
  3. Save: Make sure to save the newly created bank.

By managing these bank details within your CRM system, you can ensure accurate and accessible information for conducting financial transactions and maintaining communication with banking partners.

Bank Accounts

By integrating bank account information alongside customer data, businesses can streamline transactions, enhance communication with banking partners, and improve overall financial analysis and compliance efforts. This centralized approach facilitates smoother operations, stronger relationships with financial institutions, and better decision-making processes.

Add a New Bank Account
  1. Click on "Create New": Click on this button to initiate the contact creation process.
  2. Fill in the required account details, including:
    • Account Number: Enter the account number associated with your bank account.
    • Name: Provide a name or label for your bank account for easy identification within the CRM.
    • Company: Specify the company or organization to which the bank account belongs, if applicable.
    • Account Holder: Enter the name of the individual or entity holding the bank account.
  3. Once all required fields are filled, click on the "Save" or "Add Account" button to save the bank account details to your CRM system.
  4. Repeat the process for each bank account you wish to add, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information for each entry.

Export Bank Accounts: This feature extracts bank accountss from the CRM system in various formats, such as CSV, PDF, or Excel. You can also use this feature to copy or print your contacts

Search Functionality: The search function instantly filters the contact list, displaying results that match your search query.

By adding your bank account details to your CRM system, you streamline financial management processes, enhance communication with banking partners, and gain valuable insights for improved decision-making and compliance efforts.


This section displays a list of counties and their codes, you have the option to export the selected countries or all if necessary. 

Export Countries: This feature extracts the list of countries and their codes from the CRM system in various formats, such as CSV, PDF, or Excel. You can also use this feature to copy or print your contacts

Search Functionality: The search function instantly filters the contact list, displaying results that match your search query.

Countries States

This section displays a list of country states, their codes, and the corresponding country. 

Export Country States: This feature extracts the list of countries and their codes from the CRM system in various formats, such as CSV, PDF, or Excel. You can also use this feature to copy or print your contacts

Search Functionality: The search function instantly filters the contact list, displaying results that match your search query.

Add a State
  1. Click on "Create New": Click on this button to initiate the contact creation process.
  2. Enter State Details: Title, code, and choose the corresponding country. 
  3. Save: Make sure to save the newly state.

Country Group 

This section displays a country group.

Export Countries: This feature extracts the list of countries and their codes from the CRM system in various formats, such as CSV, PDF, or Excel. You can also use this feature to copy or print your contacts

Search Functionality: The search function instantly filters the contact list, displaying results that match your search query.

Add a Group
  1. Click on "Create New": Click on this button to initiate the contact creation process.
  2. Enter State Details: Title, code, and choose the corresponding country. 
  3. Save: Make sure to save the newly state.


This section displays a list of different industries. 

Export Industries: This feature extracts the list of industries from the CRM system in various formats, such as CSV, PDF, or Excel. You can also use this feature to copy or print your contacts

Search Functionality: The search function instantly filters the contact list, displaying results that match your search query.

Add an Industry
  1. Click on "Create New": Click on this button to initiate the contact creation process.
  2. Enter State Details: Name, and full name.
  3. Save: Make sure to save the new industry.