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Order and Quotation Templates

The ERP system allows you to create reusable quotation or order templates for common purchases. Using the templates enables you to customize and send any quotation quickly. 


1. Under the configuration menu item, select the 'Order Template' option to create a custom order template.

This page will display any existing templates, it allows you to search, and filter from the existing list, as well as create a new template. 

2. Click on "Create New": Click the 'Create New' button to create your custom template. 

3. Enter Template Details:

Products may be added by clicking 'Add a product' in the 'Order Lines' tab, arranged by clicking 'Add a section' (and dragging/dropping section headings), it is further detailed with optional information (such terms, warranty information, etc.) by clicking 'Add a note'.

  • 'Order Template Name': Enter a name for your order template.
  • 'Quotation Expires After': Enter the number of days before the quotation expires (optional)
  • 'Order Lines': Under the 'Order Lines' customize the order by adding:
    • a section (as a label or header) - when selected a blank field appears that prompts you to add a title to the section, once typed click away to save your changes,
    • a product (select an item or create a new product) - after adding a new product line use the drop-down to select or create a product.

💡 Tip: Quick Add a New Product
Create a new product while creating your templates, select the "Create New" option under the products drop-down menu or click on the image.png icon.

💡 Tip: Search for a Product
If the product you are trying to add is not visible, start typing the name in the field to search for it.

Product Quantity
Note that the quantity of any added products to the Order Template is 0 by default but can be updated later.

      • a note (to include details such as terms or warranty about the product) - when selected a blank field appears that prompts you to add a note, once typed click away to save your changes

Reorder Items 
The up-down arrows on the left side of the table next to each order line are used to be able to drag and move 

4. Terms and Conditions: Enter the terms and conditions associated with the template (optional)

Delete Fields (Section/Product/Note)
To delete or remove any field from the order lines template click on the trash icon next to the corresponding field.

5. Save: Click on the 'Save' button to save your changes


Using Order Templates 

To use your order template, simply navigate to 'Sales' and then select 'Orders' from the menu. 

The orders page will display any orders with the various status, order quotations will receive a 'Draft' status. 

Click on the 'Create New' button on the top left corner to create a new order. 


You can select the order template you created from the drop-down menu. 

💡 Tip: Quick Add a New Order Template
Create a new order template while creating your order, select the "Create New" option under the order template drop-down menu or click on the image.png icon.